WSCCCA Constitution


Constitution 2012 (PDF copy)

Article I – Name

Section 1: This organization shall be known as the Washington State Cross Country Coaches
Association and shall be referred to as the WSCCCA.
Section 2: This Individual Sports Association (ISA) shall be a branch of the Washington State Coaches Association (WSCA).

Article II – Objectives

Section 1: To promote understanding of the cross country athlete as he/she relates to coaches, athletes, and schools.
Section 2: To endeavor to meet the needs of all cross country programs by aiding individual cross country coaches.
Section 3: To secure a representative membership of cross country coaches with the goal of developing better communication among schools, coaches, and athletes.
Section 4: To promote good fellowship and social contacts among coaches.
Section 5: The WSCCCA will operate as a non-profit organization (501 c 3).

Article III – Membership

Section 1: Individual Membership
A. Active Members – Only such cross country coaches who are or will be actively engaged in (or directly associated with) the profession of coaching cross country athletes in the State of Washington shall be eligible for active membership. Each active member shall have the privilege of one vote. Active membership is a privilege which requires dues to be paid to the Washington State Coaches Association.
B. Associate Members – Any individual who has an interest in cross country coaching and presently is inactive as a cross country coach may be eligible for associate membership. Associate members shall not be granted the privilege of the vote.
C. Honorary Members – Candidates for honorary membership first shall be approved by a majority vote of the WSCCCA Executive Board. Any person who has retired from coaching, but who contributed over a great number of years to the advancement of cross country shall be eligible for honorary membership. The retiring past-president of the WSCCCA shall automatically become an honorary member. Honorary membership carries the privilege of one vote. The past-president may also serve as a member of the Service Board of the WSCCCA.
Section 2: Cross Country as an Individual Sport Association (ISA)
A. Any group of coaches representing a WIAA sport in the state of Washington
may petition the WSCA executive board for admission as an ISA.
B. There shall be only one recognized ISA per each WIAA sport. The Washington State Cross Country Coaches Association (WSCCCA) shall be the ISA for cross country running in Washington State.
C. The president of the WSCCCA will be the sports representative for that particular sport unless a designee has been approved by the WSSCCA executive board. It shall be the representative’s responsibility to secure a board replacement should he/she be unable to attend a meeting.
D. In order to have clinics and/or an all-star competition, the WSCCCA must adhere to the proper guidelines set forth by the WSCA.
E. The WSCCCA president shall notify the WSCA secretary or president of all meetings (dates, times and places) prior to the meetings taking place.
F. The WSCCCA has recognized ISA membership status with the WSCA.

Article IV – Dues

Section 1: The annual dues for the active and associate members shall be determined by a two-thirds vote of the WSCA executive board.
Section 2: The WSCA executive board will determine with which national coaching associations (if any) the WSCA and its ISA’s shall become affiliated.
Section 3: Honorary members shall pay no dues.

Article V – Executive Board

1. Section 1:
1. The elected officers of the WSCCCA executive board shall be president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer.
2. The officers of the executive board (President, Vice President, Secretary, & Treasurer) may appoint from 1-3 persons to hold “at large” positions on the executive board, to fulfill additional duties as assigned by the board. These duties may include, but are not limited to: Fund raising, scholarships, website/communications, and event organization.
a. Terms shall run concurrently with elected board members.
b. At large members will have the same voting rights and responsibilities as the elected members of the executive board.
Section 2: The president shall preside at all meetings, call meetings of the executive board, call all general membership meetings, and assign duties and responsibilities to members of the executive board.
Section 3: The vice-president shall assist the president and perform all of the duties of president in his/her absence. He/she shall succeed the president for any reason that the president cannot fulfill the term of office.
Section 4: The secretary shall keep the records and minutes of the association and shall carry on the correspondence of the association.
Section 5: The treasurer shall keep an account of all association funds and shall submit a report of all funds at the annual WSCA and WSCCCA meetings. He/she shall keep an accounting of all WSCCCA funds.
Section 6: The executive board shall have control of the association affairs, funds and property. They shall exercise all of the powers possessed by the association itself, insofar as such delegation of authority is consistent with the duties and objectives of the articles and by-laws of this constitution.
Section 7: The president of the WSCCCA shall be the chairman of the executive board. The president – and the vice-president in the absence of the president – shall have discretionary power to carry on the daily business of the association. They will keep the executive board apprised of these activities.
Section 8: Any vacancy in the executive board shall be filled by the president and confirmed by a simple majority of the executive board.
Section 9: The executive board will meet at least three times a year at a time and place to be determined by the president. The president shall notify the membership of these meetings.
Section 10: At any meeting of the executive board, three or more members shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote is necessary to decide any action brought before the meeting.

Article VI – Advisory Board

Section 1: The Advisory Board will consist of 18 members, each of whom is an active cross country coach.
Section 2: Two advisory board members shall be elected from each district that competes in cross country as a sport. Elections will be held between January and March of even numbered years, with Advisory board members taking office on July 1.
Section 3: The Advisory Board will serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Board.
Section 4: The WSCCCA Advisory Board members will carry out duties assigned by the Executive Board.
Section 5: Advisory board members shall serve terms of two years. Advisory Board members must be an active coach at the time of their election.
Section 6: The executive board shall appoint candidates to fill advisory board positions that become vacant due to resignation or other means.

Article VII – Service Board

Section 1: The Service Board may consist of the Past President, Scholarship Coordinator, the East-West All-Star Race Coordinator, the Hall of Fame Coordinator, Medical Advisor, Scholarship Fund Raising Coordinator, Website Coordinator, and other positions deemed necessary by the advisory board.
Section 2: The WSCCCA Service Board members will carry out duties assigned by the Executive Board.

Article VIII – Election of Executive Board Officers

Section 1: The president will be selected from among current Executive Board members.
Section 2: The vice-president, secretary, and treasurer will be selected from among current Executive Board officers, At-Large, and/or Advisory Board members.
Section 3: President
a. The president is chosen by a majority vote of the active members of the Association.
b. The president serves a term of two years on the Executive Board and may stand for reelection.
Section 4: Vice-President
a. The vice–president is chosen by a majority vote of the active members of the Association.
b. The vice-president serves a term of two years on the Executive Board and may stand for reelection.
Section 5: Secretary and Treasurer
a. These positions are chosen by a majority vote of the active members of the Association.
b. The secretary and treasurer serve terms of two years each and may stand for reelection.
Section 6: Past President
The retiring president will become the past president and may serve for up to one additional year on the Service Board.
Section 7: At Large
The officers of the executive board (President, Vice President, Secretary, & Treasurer) may appoint from 1-3 persons to hold “at large” positions on the executive board, to fulfill additional duties as assigned by the board. These duties may include, but are not limited to: Fund raising, scholarships, website/communications, and event organization.
a) Terms shall run concurrently with elected board members.
b) At large members will have the same voting rights and responsibilities as the elected members of the executive board.

Article IX – Association Year and Meetings

Section 1: The association year shall begin September 1 and close August 31.
Section 2: The annual meeting shall be the meeting of the WSCCCA the evening before the State Cross Country Championships.
Section 3: The president shall preside at all WSCCCA meetings. In the absence of the president, the vice-president, the secretary, and then the treasurer shall preside in order of their listing above in case of absence of the presiding officer before them.
Section 4: New officers shall take office at the Executive Board meeting following elections and shall be introduced to the membership in the presiding president’s post-election
newsletter, as well as at the WSCCCA meeting the evening before the State Cross Country Championships. A transition period will be decided upon by the executive board.

Article X – Inspection of Books and Records

Section 1: All books, papers and documents of every kind and description belonging to the WSCCCA shall be open to inspection of all members of the association.
Section 2: The Washington Coach magazine and the newsletters of the WSCCCA shall be the official voices of the association.

Article XI – Amendments

Section 1: All proposed amendments to this constitution shall be submitted in writing to the secretary of the WSCCCA.
Section 2: : Proposed amendments shall be published and distributed in the WSCCCA newsletter no later than three months prior to their proposed adoption and voted upon by the general membership. Voting may take place at the WSCCCA meeting the evening before the State Cross Country Championships, via e-mail, or on-line balloting, at any general meeting of the WSCCCA, or any combination of the above. To validate an election, 51% of the membership shall vote, and a 67% majority of those voting shall be necessary for the adoption of an amendment.

Article XII – Service Board Members

Section 1: East-West All-Star Race Director and Scholarship Coordinator
A. The All Star Race Coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating all aspects of the East West All Star Race including:
a. Coordination with all race sponsors.
b. Staffing of the event
c. Any and all details specifically pertaining to the race.
d. Any other duties as determined by the Executive Board.
B. The -West All-Star Race Director may serve on the scholarship selection committee.
Section 2: Hall of Fame Coordinator
A. The Hall of Fame Coordinator shall chair a committee whose job shall be to evaluate and nominate potential Hall of Fame Candidates to the Executive Board. The Hall of Fame Coordinator shall be in charge of all responsibilities related to the Hall of Fame including: collection of Hall of Fame Nominations.
a. Hall of Fame nominees must be retired cross country coaches who have made asignificant contribution to the sport of cross country or active coaches with at least 15 years of experience.
b. The Executive board may make recommendations for Hall of Fame Induction in extraordinary circumstances where the candidate has not met the requirements in section 1. These must also be confirmed by the Hall of Fame Committee headed by the Hall of Fame Coordinator.
Section 3: Website Coordinator
The WSCCCA shall be responsible for maintaining an informational website dedicated to promoting the sport of cross country running in
Washington State. The Website Coordinator, a member of the Service Board, will handle responsibilities directly related to monitoring and maintaining the website.
Section 4: Scholarship Coordinator
A. The Scholarship Coordinator shall be responsible for collection of all scholarship applications and any other duties related to the collection of scholarship applications.
B. The scholarship coordinator shall be responsible for all publicity, announcements, and communication regarding the East-West All Star Scholarships.
C. The Scholarship Coordinator shall serve on the Scholarship Selection Committee.
Section 5: Scholarship Fund Raising Coordinator
A. The Scholarship Fund Raising Coordinator shall be responsible for keeping track of all income related to the scholarship fund and any other related duties assigned by the Executive Board.
B. Scholarship Fund Raising Coordinator shall be responsible for seeking additional funding for the scholarship fund.
C. Scholarship Fund Raising Coordinator may serve on the Scholarship Selection Committee.
Section 6: Medical Advisor
A. The Medical Advisor shall be a professional in the Medical Profession.
B. They shall serve in advisory capacity to assist the WSCCCA with any issues where medical expertise is desired.
C. They may make regular contributions to the WSCCCA newsletter.
Section 7: Past President
A. The Past President shall serve on the Service Board for up to one year. This position will be an “at-large” position with duties determined by the Executive Board.
Section 7: Service board:
Members may vote with the Executive Board on issues directly related to their service board position.

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